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* Cheerful, Creative, Timeless *

Chloe’ & Dalton | Announcement |Grandchild #3

We received an unexpected Christmas present this past Christmas! Grandbaby #3 will be joining the family in July! Guess this grandma photographer needs to get her newborn props freshened up as it will be here before we know it! Congratulations to the Toasties and get as much sleep and rest as possible as you are about to embark on a new adventure in your lives! 

Hutton Family | Chesapeake, VA | Hampton Roads Photographer

Meet Meghan. Meghan and her husband, Jon, have been married for four years. For over two years, they desired to expand their family, but things were not working out as they planned. Disappointment and tears set in. To stir things up a bit, they decided to adopt a dog. In April, they adopted an adorable Sheltie/Pomeranian at the Collie and Sheltie Rescue Association of Southeast Virginia. Meet Frankie. Frankie stepped in.. Read More